Providing Quality Sustainable Homes

We aim to provide you with safe, warm, high-quality, and sustainable homes.

To achieve this we provide choice and deliver accessible, convenient, reliable and responsive maintenance services to ensure your home is maintained to a high standard.

During the year we invested £7.9 million in the repairs service. As the cost of living began to rise and due to economic uncertainty, we invested in the energy efficiency of over 200 homes, reducing carbon emissions and energy bills.


Local offer

We will provide you with safe, warm, high – quality and energy efficient homes.  More local offers.

Achieving our targets for 2021/22 was challenging with a backlog of repairs resulting from successive lockdowns, adverse and extreme weather and issues with the availability of materials for repairs. In 2021/22, performance didn’t achieve targets for our repairs service satisfaction, speed of repairs and completing repairs at the first visit. Despite these challenges, we delivered over 31, 500 repairs last year (up from 29, 000 in 2020/21) and throughout the year we ensured that crucial services to keep you safe were maintained to a high standard.

During 2021/22 we acted on your feedback to improve our services by introducing extended repairs appointments to 7pm Monday to Friday and on a Saturday morning to increase availability and provide more convenient services. We also introduced proactive contact and improved our processes to respond to damp repairs.

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