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Complaints and Feedback

 If you feel that we’ve let you down, please let us know and we will do our best to put things right again.

Frequently asked Questions

How do I make a complaint or provide feedback?

To find out more about the different ways you can share your views or make a complaint, please visit our complaints and feedback section.

How do I report anti-social behaviour?

If you are experiencing Anti Social Behaviour or wish to report an incident that has occurred, please contact us by completing the our anti-social behaviour form.

How can I get involved with Livin and help to shape services?

To find out more about the different ways you can get involved, please visit our getting involved section.


  • Customer Feedback and Complaints

    You can share your views about Livin to help us improve the services we provide.

    Home / Customer Feedback and Complaints
  • Complaints and Feedback in 2023/24 Home / About Us / Annual Report 2023/24 / Transforming Customer Experience and Digital Services / Complaints and Feedback in 2023/24
  • Tenant Satisfaction Measures

    The Regulator for Social Housings (RSH) has introduced a new suite of performance measures that all registered providers and local authorities with housing stock must collect data for from 1 April 2023.

    Home / About Us / Tenant Satisfaction Measures
  • Ways We Listened to and Acted on Your Complaints

    Listening to your feedback and working jointly with you through virtual meetings, one to one sessions and online surveys we have made improvements to our services.

    Home / Customer Feedback and Complaints / Ways We Listened to and Acted on Your Complaints
  • Performance and Service Improvement Report Home / Customer Feedback and Complaints / Performance and Service Improvement Report
  • Privacy and Cookies

    In accordance with applicable data protection legislation, we are committed to protecting your rights and privacy when you use our services. Livin Housing Limited is registered as a data controller with the Information Commissioner’s Office.

    Home / Privacy and Cookies
  • Transforming Customer Experience and Digital Services

    Rising energy prices and a cost of living crisis meant that the services we delivered to support our customers in 2022/23 were needed more than ever. Throughout these challenging times we continued our journey to deliver a brilliant customer experience in everything we do.

    Home / About Us / Annual Report 2022/23 / Transforming Customer Experience and Digital Services
  • Housing Ombudsman

    If you’re not happy with the final response us, you are entitled to make a complaint to the Housing Ombudsman.

    Home / Customer Feedback and Complaints / Housing Ombudsman
  • Make Things Right: Social housing complaints campaign

    The Government recently launched the ‘Make Things Right’ campaign, which is designed to empower residents in making their voices heard when they have problems with their home and help raise awareness amongst social housing residents for how they can make a complaint.

    Home / Customer Feedback and Complaints / Make Things Right: Social housing complaints campaign
  • Transforming Customer Experience and Digital Services

    Providing a brilliant customer experience is in everything that we do, and we are committed to transforming customer services by listening and acting on customer feedback and using customer data to design and deliver modern digital services.

    Home / About Us / Annual Report 2021/22 / Transforming Customer Experience and Digital Services
  • Transforming Customer Experience and Digital Services

    Rising energy prices and a cost of living crisis meant that the services we delivered to support our customers in 2022/23 were needed more than ever. Throughout these challenging times we continued our journey to deliver a brilliant customer experience in everything we do.

    Home / About Us / Annual Report 2023/24 / Transforming Customer Experience and Digital Services
  • Ways We Listened to and Acted on Your Voice

    We use information from satisfaction surveys, data on how services are used and feedback from our InsightXchange sessions to make service improvements that make a real difference. Here is some examples of service improvements your voice has helped us to introduce.

    Home / About Us / Getting Involved / Ways We Listened to and Acted on Your Voice
  • Delivering a brilliant customer experience Home / About Us / Annual Report 2020/21 / Delivering a brilliant customer experience
  • Your Summarised Customer Policies

    You will find our policies here. Affordable Home Ownership Aids and Adaptations Anti-fraud, Bribery and Corruption Anti-Social Behaviour Arrears Management Asbestos CCTV Complaints, Compliments and Feedback Condition of Property Customer Voice and Engagement Customer Vulnerability Damp and Mould Development Domestic Abuse Electrical Safety Equality, Diversity & Inclusion

    Home / Your Support / Your Documents / Your Summarised Customer Policies
  • Local offers

    We worked with over 400 of our tenants to help shape five pledges known as local offers to improve services that are important to them.

    Home / About Us / Local offers
  • Current Vacancies

    Come and work with us.

    Home / About Us / Current Vacancies
  • Our Policies

    You will find our policies here. Policies: Affordable Home Ownership Aids and Adaptations Anti-fraud, Bribery and Corruption Anti Social Behaviour Arrears Management Asbestos Asset Management CCTV Commercial Property Management Complaints, Compliments and Feedback Condition of Property Customer Voice Customer Vulnerability Damp and Mould Development Domestic Abuse

    Home / About Us / Our Policies
  • Providing Quality Sustainable Homes

    We aim to provide you with safe, warm, high-quality, and sustainable homes.

    Home / About Us / Annual Report 2023/24 / Providing Quality Sustainable Homes
  • Getting Involved

    Find out how you can get involved and give feedback to help us improve our services.

    Home / About Us / Getting Involved
  • Our People

    Meet our Leadership Team made up of Alan Boddy, Sean Brodie, Helen Darby, Graham Darby and Paul Stephens.

    Home / About Us / Our People
  • Our Board

    Meet our Board members and view the committee make up.

    Home / About Us / Our Board
  • Customer Feedback

    Find out how you can give feedback and get involved to help us improve our services.

    Home / Frequently Asked Questions / Customer Feedback
  • Hear from our people

    We have some fantastic people at team Livin with amazing stories about their career journeys.

    Home / About Us / Careers With Us / Hear from our people
  • Improving your home Home / About Us / Annual Report 2020/21 / Improving your home
  • Supporting your tenancy Home / About Us / Annual Report 2020/21 / Supporting your tenancy
  • Improving your community Home / About Us / Annual Report 2020/21 / Improving your community
  • Transforming Customer Experience and Digital Services

    Providing a brilliant customer experience is in everything that we do and this strategy sets out how we will transform customer services and business efficiency through listening and acting on customer feedback, using data well and providing modern digital services.

    Home / About Us / Plan A 2022-2025 / Transforming Customer Experience and Digital Services
  • Contact Us

    Get in touch by telephone, email and LiveChat and read our helpful frequently asked questions.

    Home / Contact Us
  • Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

    We are committed to treating customers fairly regardless of race, ethnic origin or nationality, disability (whether mental or physical), age, gender, marital or family status, sexual orientation, or transgender status, and we recognise the benefits of employing a diverse workforce.

    Home / About Us / Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
  • Renting A Home

    We have set out set out both of our responsibilities during your tenancy, what services we’ll provide and what your rights and responsibilities as a tenant are.

    Home / Your Support / Renting A Home
  • Frequently Asked Questions

    Our frequently asked questions give you all the answers you need to be able to solve your query.

    Home / Frequently Asked Questions
  • Supporting Sustainable Places

    We are determined to level up our places. We strive to support and deliver strong and sustainable places, that are greener and that support people and partners to thrive.

    Home / About Us / Annual Report 2023/24 / Supporting Sustainable Places
  • Supporting Sustainable Tenancies

    We are determined to enable and deliver strong and sustainable places and to deliver this our tenancies must be sustainable. We want you to feel happy living in comfortable and manageable homes.

    Home / About Us / Annual Report 2023/24 / Supporting Sustainable Tenancies
  • Building and Acquiring Sustainable Homes

    We aim to build and buy new homes in the right locations within our local area to ensure a mix of much needed homes that are designed to suit a range of needs.

    Home / About Us / Annual Report 2023/24 / Building and Acquiring Sustainable Homes