Our People
Alan Boddy, Chief Executive
Alan has been with Livin since its formation in 2009, and became Chief Executive in 2021, having led transformation projects and innovative service improvements across the organisation.
As Chief Executive, he champions housing associations as anchor institutions in communities, improving lives by supporting the long-term development of high quality, sustainable homes and places. He is also a strong advocate of working with like-minded partner organisations and key policymakers to pool resources, join-up inter-connected work and maximise impact.
In recent years he has helped to grow Livin into a trusted provider of quality housing and support services. Alan said “at Livin we work with our residents, ensuring that their views are heard and respected, to provide beautiful homes in beautiful places that people are proud of. Sometimes people need a helping hand, and we pride ourselves on being there when we are needed.”
To achieve this, he has personally shaped the priorities at the heart of our Plan A business strategy, which influence everything we do. Delivering Plan A requires exceptional collaboration, and since becoming Chief Executive, Alan has placed greater emphasis on the importance of aligning teams and priorities, so the entire organisation and our partners are pulling in the same direction.
He also serves as the Chair of the Board of the Advance Learning Partnership Multi-Academy Trust while regularly participating in local and national charitable causes.

Helen Darby, Director of Transformation
Helen has been with Livin since formation in 2009. She became Director of Transformation in 2023 having previously led the Human Resources, Strategy Development, Marketing and Communication, IT, Digital, and Performance Management functions.
She is focused on improving the lives of people in Livin homes and communities and has spearheaded the development and delivery of the business strategy to continuously focus on this vision.
Now leading the newly formed transformation team, she is responsible for the delivery of two new transformation strategies: Customer Experience/Digital Transformation and the Planet A sustainability strategy. Helen said “we are always looking at better ways of doing things to delight our customers and exceed their expectations. The team has already made great progress in digitising services and has hit the ground running in delivering our Planet A strategy to decarbonise our homes and operations. I’m looking forward to seeing our latest transformation strategies and innovative projects make a difference to the people who live in our homes and rely on our vital services and support.”
With a social heart, she has relentlessly been an advocate for the great work Livin does to help people into jobs, support people to live independently and more recently to reduce our carbon consumption as we strive towards Net Zero.

Graham Darby, Director of Housing and Communities
Graham joined Livin in 2019 after working in the housing sector for many years and leads the delivery of the ‘Supporting Sustainable Places’ and ‘Supporting Sustainable Tenancies’ strategies.
Graham is passionate about providing high quality housing services and has led the establishment of enhanced support services to ensure tenants most in need receive the support they need. He is a strong advocate of the importance of having pride in the place you live and instils this in Livin’s approach to supporting and regenerating local communities. Graham said: “On a daily basis I see the impact the vital support we provide has on improving lives. Our work ensures that tenants maintain their independence, in homes they love in places they are proud to live in.”
Through ‘the prism of place’ Graham is relentlessly focused on continuously evolving housing and community support services, keeping them relevant in a changing economic and social environment. Notably he is now driving service improvements to ensure a sustainable approach to improve ‘greener living’ in our homes and communities and positively contributing towards our net zero commitments.
He also serves as the Chair of Governors of the Advance Learning Partnership Multi-Academy Trust.

Sean Brodie, Executive Director of Finance and Investment
Sean joined Livin as an Executive Director in 2015. He took up the role of Executive Director of Finance and Investment in 2021 and leads the delivery of the ‘Building and Acquiring Sustainable Homes’ and ‘Providing Sustainable Homes’ strategies, as well as being responsible for Livin’s financial viability and investment priorities.
With his strong financial background Sean is committed to ensuring that Livin’s financial resources are targeted to where they will make the biggest difference to tenants and communities. This clear focus on delivering Livin’s social purpose ensures we can attract sustainable finance for the future.
Sean said “we are constantly focused on smart investments and ways of growing and improving the quality of our new build and existing homes. Through deploying innovative new solutions and the use of technology we are striving to make homes more energy efficient, reduce carbon emissions and save tenants money on their bills. I am very keen to maximise the positive impact this investment can make on the lives of the tenants living in these homes.”
Sean is always looking at ways of maximising Livin’s finances, securing value for money to ensure the vision and ambition of Plan A 2022/25 is resourced and delivered, and making best use of investments to grow and maintain affordable well-designed homes in places our tenants are proud to live.

Paul Stephens, Executive Director of Corporate Services
Paul joined Livin as an Executive Director in 2022 from the local government sector, where he had a strong track record in a number of fields, including strategy, corporate governance and information management.
With responsibility for Governance, Human Resources and ICT, Paul plays key role in enabling the successful delivery of Plan A and as corporate lead is responsible ensuring that Livin fulfils its legal obligations in respect of health and safety. Paul is also Company Secretary and responsible for Livin’s governance viability.
Paul started his career in housing and is a great advocate of the vital role high-quality social homes can play in the lives of individuals and places. He is passionate about ensuring that good governance both underpins and drives the delivery of Livin’s priorities.
Paul said, “We are focused on maintaining Livin’s reputation for excellence in governance, which is the foundation of all that we do, while making our processes as efficient and effective as possible. We will also keep continuously developing our people so that we have the right skills to deliver Plan A and provide the best possible services to our tenants. And we will be delivering a step change in the way we use our data to inform our strategy and the services we deliver in the future.”

Roslyn Littledyke, Director of Customer Experience and Insight
Roz joined Livin as a Director in 2023 having worked in the housing sector for over 15 years, managing Strategy Development, Performance, Digital and Customer Services teams.
Roz leads the Customer Service Centre, Complaints and Insight teams, is responsible for ensuring compliance with Consumer Regulation and for driving an innovative strategy to continuously improve the delivery of brilliant customer experience across Livin’s services.
She holds customers close to her heart and is enthusiastic about shaping and improving services to meet their needs. Her key focus is to ensure customers’ views are listened to and acted upon and that customers have an opportunity to meaningfully influence how services are delivered.
Roz said: “We are always looking at ways of improving our services and our customers hold the key to the best ways of doing this. Using the data and insight we gather from our customers we will continue to move with the times and change our services to meet customers’ needs. This is vital to being a great landlord.”