Transforming Customer Experience and Digital Services

Providing a brilliant customer experience is in everything that we do, and we are committed to transforming customer services by listening and acting on customer feedback and using customer data to design and deliver modern digital services.

We know you expect services that are accessible, responsive, and easy to use, and during the year we worked on providing self-serve facilities so you can access services at your convenience in a place, and at a time that suits you. During 2021/22 we were available to you 24/7 and dealt with almost 245,000 transactions. 171,000 of these transactions were made digitally.


Local offer

We will always try to answer queries at the first point of contact, and when this is not possible, we will let you know who will be dealing with your query and provide updates until the query is resolved. More local offers.

In 2021/22; we resolved 82% of customer enquiries at First Point of Contact. Where we could not answer the initial enquiry, we contacted 84% (16,274) of customers within two working days to give an update.

In 2021/22 you responded positively to improvements in our digital communication channels and complaints handling. You have told us that you feel you are listened to and your views are acted upon. We have responded quickly to your feedback to target service improvements in areas you have prioritised and throughout this annual report we have provided examples of where this has impacted on the way we have delivered services.

We have increased our digital services through improving our website content which provides a better experience and delivers online self-service. 2021/22 saw an increase in active users registered on the self-service portal and the introduction of a new customer experience platform which will help us deliver a better digital customer experience.


Local offer

We value what you have to say to us, and we will always be polite to you. We will give you clear information about what to do if you are not happy with our services and use your feedback to make improvements. More local offers.

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