Building and Acquiring Sustainable Homes

We aim to build and buy new homes in the right locations within our local area to ensure a mix of much needed homes that are designed to suit a range of needs. 

During the year we invested £17 million in 99 new affordable homes for rent and rent to buy for families and older persons in housing need. We also bought 11 homes for affordable rent that were previously sold under the Right to Buy scheme. 

We completed new developments at Travellers Green and Canopus Close, Newton Aycliffe; Hamminkeln Place and Eden Gardens, Sedgefield; Burton Woods and Barnfield Road, Spennymoor; Castle Croft, Barnard Castle and Bracks Farm, Bishop Auckland. 

We are continuing to invest in and learn from new technologies, reducing the carbon emissions of our new homes and improving the thermal insulation and fabric efficiency. Of the new homes completed during the year, 14% of them were installed with low carbon air source heat pumps providing both heating and hot water via a hot water tank.  

Local offer

We will carry out regular inspections of estates in our communities to make sure the outside of our homes and the surrounding areas are clean and tidy. More local offers.

83.74 average SAP rating of new homes developed and acquired
99 new homes developed and acquired
11 homes purchased for affordable rent through our buyback of former Right to buy homes initiative
100 percent of customers satisfied with the overall quality of their new home
100 percent of customers satisfied with the overall condition of their new home when moving in

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