Transforming Customer Experience and Digital Services

Rising energy prices and a cost of living crisis meant that the services we delivered to support our customers in 2022/23 were needed more than ever. Throughout these challenging times we continued our journey to deliver a brilliant customer experience in everything we do; listening to our customer feedback and involving tenants to influence how our services could be delivered and improved.

We dealt with almost 267,500 transactions with customers with 192,000 of these through our digital services. We worked with you, to transform and modernise access to our services and, as a result, we rolled out our new, enhanced customer App and online portal ensuring customers can access services anywhere, anytime.  Improved service tracking means you are kept informed about things that matter to you such as progress with repairs, rent account balances and contacting us to make an enquiry.


92 percent overall satisfaction with customer experience
88 percent of queries dealt with at first point of contact
99 percent tenants satisfied that their views are being listened to and acted upon
95 satisfaction with the way complaints were handled
100 of formal complaints responded to within agreed timescales
54.42 net promoter score

The performance for 2022/23 shows that we deliver a highly responsive and convenient customer experience and that you have told us that you would recommend us as a landlord. This is demonstrated by our net promoter scores and satisfaction results. 

We are committed to improving the experience all of our customers receive and ensuring that all tenants are treated fairly and with respect. We worked with the Chartered Institute of Housing and a group of tenants and designed our new organisational values. These have been embedded in the behavioural expectations of all of our employees to ensure we build trust with our customers, respect their needs while we carry out service and that we, as a business, work together to innovate, learning when things go wrong and constantly improve the experience we deliver.  

From April 2024 the Regulator for Social Housing is set to introduce new requirements landlords will be expected to meet in terms of Transparency, Influence and Accountability. These expectations are aimed at improving the experience tenants receive from landlords by ensuring everyone has fair access to services, and that the service standards you can expect are delivered and that your voice is heard to help us improve services that really matter to you. 

185 service requests
Over 267,464 contacts | 67 service improvements as a result of tenant involvement
48 formal complaints | 955 compliments received

Local offer 

We will always try to answer queries at the first point of contact, and when this is not possible we will let you know who will be dealing with your query and provide updates until the query is resolved. In 2022/23, we resolved 88% of customer enquiries at First Point of Contact. Where we could not answer the initial enquiry, we contacted 85% of customers within two working days to give an update. View more local offers here.

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