Greener Livin

Energy saving

Using your energy at home more efficiently has never been more important, given the recent rises in the cost of living. Being more aware of the energy you are using and how you could reduce your usage could help save you money at the same time as reducing your carbon footprint.  

Here's some helpful links to actions you can take to save more energy in your home:

Water saving

We all need to take action and reduce our water usage. Saving water in your home has a multitude of benefits – it can help save you money on your bills, secure future water supplies for your community, and help protect the surrounding environment.

Small changes, such as taking a shorter shower, turning off running taps when brushing your teeth, and setting your dishwasher to an eco-setting can all make a difference. 

Northumbrian Water have a tool to help calculate how much water and energy you are using.

Energy efficient appliances

Utilising appliances in your home that are more energy efficient will make a real difference to your energy usage. You can easily distinguish more efficient appliances by their energy label – a rating between A and G is given to each appliance, with A being very energy efficient and G being not very energy efficient.

Air quality and ventilation

Good ventilation helps to control how much moisture is lingering around your home and also helps to regulate good quality air flow. This helps to remove condensation and subsequent damp and mould which can be bad for your health. 

Visit our page for more information and how you can manage damp, condensation on mould in your home.