Our sustainability journeyso far

Our commitment to delivering sustainable strategies and actions to become an environmentally sustainable organisation is very important to us. With our target of net zero by 2050 we are very serious about our carbon footprint and minimizing our impact on the planet. We know we can’t achieve our net zero targets alone, so we are working with tenants, employees, key partners, and organisations to help drive positive environmental sustainability change. Everything we do is audited through our Environmental Management System (EMS) and accredited through Investors in the Environment (iiE).

We are part way through our sustainability roadmap. Here are some key dates and events from the past and in the future. 

01 Mar 2021
North East England Climate Coalition (NEECCo)

We joined NEECCo and declared a climate and ecological emergency through this

01 Aug 2021
Started developing our Planet A Strategy

In-depth research began, to understand how we could form our environmental sustainability aspirations into a coherent strategy and actions

30 Sep 2021
Sustainability team established

We appointed our first Sustainability Adviser to boost our productivity on the decarbonisation agenda

04 Oct 2021
Employee consultation begins for Planet A

As part of the development of Planet A we invited staff members to various workshops to discuss the strategy and related objectives

15 Oct 2021
Submitted application for SHDF

We applied for Wave 1 of the Government’s Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund to help improve the energy performance of our homes

15 Oct 2021
1st Planet A Tenant Survey

We undertook a survey to better understand tenant perceptions of climate change and their desires for our emerging Planet A strategy. We used these results to guide strategy development and will revisit tenant engagement with subsequent Customer Voice activities in this area

01 Nov 2021
Signed the Durham Conference of Partners 2021 Agreement

Our Chief Executive Alan Boddy was invited along to Durham County Council's Conference of Partners where he pledged on our behalf to support action against climate change

18 Nov 2021
1st Planet A Tenant Focus Group

A group of involved tenants gathered with the Sustainability Team to shape the Planet A Strategy development. This focus group marked the beginning of our on-going Customer Voice sessions with tenants

30 Nov 2021
Started working to achieve Investors in the Environment (iiE) accreditation

iiE is a membership accreditation scheme for organisations to help reduce their impact on the environment and be more sustainable

09 Dec 2021
Carried out a Waste Audit on our office space

The aim of the audit was to review our current waste practices and recommend any actions to improve services, save money and where possible, reduce waste across the office site

21 Dec 2021
Partnered with SmartCarbon to support our annual carbon reporting commitments

We will be using the SmartCarbon Calculator tool to measure and quantify our carbon footprint. We can then act upon this data and put actions in place to reduce our organisational carbon emissions

07 Feb 2022
Planet A Strategy Refinement

Meetings were held with senior members of staff to help shape and refine the key actions for Planet A

24 Feb 2022
2nd Planet A Tenant Focus Group

Our dedicated tenants and Sustainability Team met once again to discuss the key objectives and community level actions for Planet A