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22 Mar - 2022

Supporting Ukraine families

We are working closely with Durham County Council to support the Government’s Homes for Ukraine approach.

If you are a Livin tenant and are thinking about registering to be a sponsor you will need to speak with your Housing Adviser in advance of registering to make sure your current tenancy status meets the requirements of the scheme.  

To ensure a safe and suitable environment for people arriving from Ukraine, if you register to be a sponsor the Government will be carrying out checks (background and in-person) on you as a sponsor, your family and the accommodation that you will provide.

Sponsors are being asked to provide accommodation for as long as they are able, but there is a minimum expectation of 6 months. An optional ‘thank you’ payment of £350 per month is available through Durham County Council to sponsors who can accommodate one or more household (subject to the accommodation they have).  The ‘thank you’ payment is limited to one payment per residential address. You will continue to receive payments for as long as you sponsor somebody and for up to 12 months. This payment will be made in arrears and will not affect entitlement to welfare benefits.

Please take the time to read the full information and advice using the link below before proceeding as this may be subject to change.

Homes for Ukraine – Homes for Ukraine – Local Sponsorship Scheme for Ukraine (