Our Service Standard Performance

Transforming Customer Experience and Digital Services

% of formal complaints dealt with in time

% of Stage 1 complaints handled in 10 working days

% of Stage 2 complaints handled in 20 working days


Supporting Sustainable Tenancies

% of tenants reporting personal ASB, contacted within 1 working day

% of tenants reporting nuisance ASB contacted within 2 working days

% of tenants reporting environmental, ASB contacted within 10 working days

% of applications registered within 5 working days

% of applications activated within 20 working days


Providing Quality Sustainable Homes

% of emergency repairs attended to within 4 hours and completed within 1 working day

% of damp and mould cases closed within 33 working days

Time taken to carry out damp inspection (days)

Time taken to carry out repairs following damp and mould inspection (days)