Tenant Satisfaction Measures 2023/24

In 2023, the Regulator for Social Housing (RSH) introduced a set of 22 performance measures to assess how you, our tenants, feel about us as your landlord and how you think we can improve.

These performance measures are known as Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSM's).

Our summary of approach

We appointed CX Feedback by Target Applications Ltd to generate and set up the TSM Perception survey based on the Regulator of Social Housing guidance.

We provided information to CX Feedback containing various types of data to ensure representation. 

Representation of the survey has been assessed against age, geographical location, tenure type, ethnic origin, dwelling type, property type, and household group. View full information.  As we were able to get representation, we did not apply weighting to any of the reported perception measures.

We appointed Pexel Research Services who abide by the Market Research Code of Conduct, ESOMAR, CASRO and have ISO 20252 accreditation to conduct a telephone survey during the period 27 June 2023 to 4 July 2023. The survey was conducted by telephone as this was recognised as the most effective method to generate responses that met the sample size and a more accessible option.

The questions asked were those provided by the Regulator of Social Housing for the Tenant Satisfaction measures and followed and fulfilled the principles set out in the TSM Survey and Technical Requirements guidelines. One additional research question was asked which was a supplementary question to “How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that Livin keeps you informed about things that matter to you?”. The supplementary question was “Can you tell us which service area of Livin's is most important to you?”.  View the full Tenant Satisfaction questionnaire. 

At the time of undertaking the survey, we owned and managed approximately 8,700 homes with a tenant base of 10,500 tenants. The minimum number of responses required was 951 to achieve a margin of error +/- 3% at a 95% confidence level. Overall, 1,200 responses were gathered, which means the minimum level was exceeded. There was a requirement to remove several duplicated household surveys, where two tenants from the same household were surveyed. Of the 23 households with 46 duplicated surveys, the decision was taken to remove all 46 responses, rather than there being any faults in choosing one duplicated response over another to unduly alter satisfaction scores. This resulted in a final total of 1,154 responses being submitted, still exceeding the minimum level required.

A sample approach was used where a sample of relevant tenant households are invited to participate in the survey. We removed one household from the relevant population due to a request for no cold calls for health reasons. No incentives were offered to tenants to encourage survey completion.

We appointed TIAA Ltd to carry out independent validation of the perception survey responses.

Whilst we have not completed other perception surveys that include the tenant satisfaction measures, we have used similar questions in transactional surveys of those using the service(s). The results enable us to react quickly to ‘live’ survey responses to improve services. These are monitored within our internal performance management framework.


Our first-year perception survey responses have been verified by an independent auditor and are as follows:


Overall satisfaction (TP01)


Satisfaction with overall repairs service (TP02)


Satisfaction with time taken to complete most recent repair (TP03)


Satisfaction that the home is well-maintained (TP04)


Satisfaction that the home is safe (TP05)


Satisfaction that the landlord listens to tenant views and acts upon them (TP06)


Satisfaction that the landlord keeps tenants informed about things that matter to them (TP07)


Agreement that the landlord treats tenants fairly and with respect (TP08)



Satisfaction with the landlord’s approach to handling of complaints (TP09)



Satisfaction that the landlord keeps communal areas clean and well-maintained (TP10)



Satisfaction that the landlord makes a positive contribution to neighbourhoods (TP11)



Satisfaction with the landlord’s approach to handling anti-social behaviour (TP12)


There are 22 tenant satisfaction measures, covering five themes. 12 of these measures are collected from tenant perception measures, 10 of these are generated by management information:


Stage 1 complaints received per 1,000 units (CH01)


Stage 2 complaints received per 1,000 units (CH01)


Stage 1 complaints responded to in target time (CH02)


Stage 2 complaints responded to in target time (CH02)


Anti-social behaviour cases received per 1,000 units (NM01)


Hate crimes received per 1,000 units (NM01)


Homes that do not meet the Decent Homes Standard (RP01)


Emergency repairs completed within target timescale (RP02)


Non-emergency repairs completed within target timescale (RP02)


Gas safety checks (BS01)


Fire safety checks (BS02)


Asbestos safety checks (BS03)


Water safety checks (BS04)


Lift safety checks (BS05)

This feedback helps us to improve the services we provide to our tenants.

We will continue to gather customer voice through a variety of ways including the annual TSM survey.

If you would like more details on how to get involved and give us your views, click here.