We and our community partners have been able to continue to support our tenants during this difficult year. We have...

Two children playing with toys provided by Junction 7 during whit week

Helped over 840 children by distributing 4,900 packed lunches and activity packs over the school holidays

Contacted over 3,600 vulnerable or older tenants to offer reassurance and support

Supported projects to help people over 60 feel less isolated

Provided food bank services every day throughout lockdown for anyone in need

Carried out over 5,000 emergency repairs and 22,200 non emergency repairs

Provided 1,700 tenants with money support

Supported over 760 tenants into their new homes

Provided over 60 new homes for older people and families

Handled 54,000 telephone calls and over 135,000 online queries from tenants and customers