Laurel Court

16 Dec 2021
Enabling works

Enabling works will begin at Laurel Court.

02 May 2022
Sales properties

Full works on all sales properties will commence.

12 Sep 2022
Remaining properties

Full works on the remaining properties will commence.

01 Oct 2022
No.8 demolition

Demolition of number 8 Laurel Court will commence

01 Nov 2022
No.9 demolition

Demolition of number 9 Laurel Court will commence

01 Dec 2022
No.23 demolition

Demolition of number 23 Laurel Court will commence

01 Jan 2023
Demolitions and external home frontages complete

Demolition of 8, 9 and 23 finished, render and cladding applied to homes except those next to demolition units

24 Feb 2023
Start work on conversions

Works to start on flat conversions in Laurel Court

01 Aug 2023
Works start on externals

Driveways and roads

23 Oct 2023
First homes to be let

First homes let

10 Dec 2023
Commence preparation works

For court side drives, roads, fencing and gardens.

01 Jan 2024
Flat conversions

Complete and let flat conversions

28 Jun 2024
Barrier installation

Install barriers to prevent vehicles accessing the football field

01 May 2024
Internal works

Start internal Court works on Laurel Court

31 Jul 2024
Internal works

Complete internal Laurel Court works

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Almond Court flats

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Lilac Court flats

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Aspen Court

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Spruce Court

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Laurel Court

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