We are proud of how our community partners have supported tenants and residents during this difficult year. They have, and continue to achieve so much.

Helped over 840 children by distributing 4,900 packed lunches and activity packs over the school holidays

Provided food bank services every day throughout lockdown for anyone in need

Helped 2,160 vulnerable people by giving them fresh food bags.

Delivered 1,080 emergency food parcels.

Provided regular free activities for local children

Offered ‘garden buddies’ for 21 people isolating by sitting and talking in their own garden

Supplied meals to 150 families who were struggling financially.

Provided hot affordable nutritious meals for all ages through a takeaway service operating six days a week.

Helped over 60’s project by delivering an activity pack each week, ranging from flowers to photo frames, pottery to plants, chair-based exercises, crosswords and puzzles and recipes