Your Home

We will provide you with safe, warm and energy efficient homes.

Read the full Recharge policy or our summarised version.

Report a repair

Our repairs service is available to help you to keep your home in good condition.

Report a repair

Our repairs service is available to help you to keep your home in good condition.

Report a repair Report a repair

Pay your rent

Pay your rent instantly, or set up a direct debit.

Pay your rent

Pay your rent instantly, or set up a direct debit.

Pay your rent Pay your rent

Moving in?

Everything you need to know about moving in and getting settled into your new Livin home. 

Managing your waste

We've outlined who is responsible for your waste and what you need to do it arrange it being removed.

Aids and adaptations

If you, or a family member, are struggling due to a long-term illness, disability or mobility issues we may be able to help.

Looking after your home

Repairs, alterations, and keeping you and your home safe.

Ending your tenancy

If the time has come to move on, let us know.

Home safety

We have a legal responsibility to carry out regular checks to ensure that your home is safe and efficient.

Manage your tenancy online through our secure app

You can log in to the app on our website, or by downloading it from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store.