Aids and Adaptations

If you, or a family member, are struggling due to a long-term illness, disability or mobility issues we may be able to help.

Read the full Aids and Adaptations or Lift Safety policy or our summarised version below (Aids and Adaptations - Coming Soon).

Minor adaptations

These are smaller alterations which can include:

  • Grab rails, usually near a bath or toilet
  • Handrails to make stairs and steps safer
  • Lever taps to make it easier to turn taps on and off
  • Half steps if a current step is too high

You can apply for these by logging into the MyLivin app and requesting minor adaptations in the repairs section. You can also contact us for more information. If necessary, Our Occupational Therapist will contact you to discuss your request.


Equipment can be provided to help keep you independent, these can include:

  • A raised toilet seat to help you get on and off the toilet
  • A shower stool if you are unable to stand to shower
  • A perching stool to use in the kitchen

Equipment is loaned and an assessment can be requested from your local authority. You may be advised to buy some equipment yourself if they are not available.

Major Adaptations

These are larger, permanent adaptations and can include:

  • Level access showers if you are unable to use the bath
  • Ramps to improve access to your home
  • Stairlifts to move between floors of your home

Major adaptations will only be considered when the difficulties you are having cannot be helped by equipment or minor adaptations.

These are usually funded by a Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG), this is a grant for major adaptations organised through your Local Authority. You will need to contact them to request an assessment. There can sometimes be a waiting list for an assessment.

If a major adaptation is recommended, the Local Authority will contact us to request our permission. We have the right to refuse permission.

What if my home cannot be adapted?

If your home cannot be adapted or if it is unreasonable to do so, re-housing may be offered as an alternative solution. We can support you throughout this process to help you find the perfect home to suit your needs.

Durham Key Options

Hartlepool Scheme

Tees Valley Scheme

Darlington Scheme


In hospital?

The hospital is responsible for ensuring you have a safe discharge and if necessary, will arrange for an NHS Occupational Therapist to carry out an assessment. You can arrange this with the ward staff. They will be able to make referrals for equipment, adaptations or further assessments.