Home Safety

We have a legal responsibility to carry out regular checks to ensure that your home is safe and efficient.

Gas safety checks

The safety of you and your family is our priority. By law we have to make sure that a gas safety check is carried out in your home every year. The annual service also provides us with an opportunity to carry out routine preventative maintenance that helps to minimise any inconvenient breakdowns.

Gas servicing page Gas servicing page

What to do if you smell gas

Turn off your gas supply immediately and open your windows and doors. Do not turn any electrical switches on or off, light matches or lighters. Immediately ring The National Gas Emergency Services on 0800 111 999, they will come to your home and make it safe.

Call 0800 111 999 Call 0800 111 999

Asbestos in your home

Most of our homes built before the year 2000 contain some asbestos, often in ceilings and floor tiles. Asbestos does not usually present a health risk unless it is disturbed (e.g. by drilling) or damaged (for example by fire or water damage).

When you move into your home, if it contains asbestos, we will give you a copy of the asbestos information that we hold for the property. If you ask us to do any repairs, we will check the asbestos information we hold to ensure that we do so safely.

It is important that you contact us before undertaking any work that could potentially damage or disturb asbestos containing materials in your home.

If you notice that you have disturbed or damaged any asbestos in your home, please report it to us and we will assess the risk level and may undertake further checks to make sure that your home is safe.

If planned improvement works or major repairs are needed in your home, a more in-depth asbestos survey might be required. Our contractors will take small samples from your walls, ceilings or floors, which will be tested in a laboratory for asbestos. We will contact you to arrange this.