Anti-Social Behaviour

We want you to feel settled and safe in your home, but we know that sometimes this is not always the case. Whether you are one of our tenants or a resident, we work in partnership with you, and agencies like the Police and Durham County Council, to take swift action to resolve issues of anti-social behaviour. If you are experiencing anti-social behaviour or wish to report an incident that has occurred, we can help.

Dealing with anti-social behaviour

We take all reports of anti-social behaviour seriously and encourage you to report any issues you're currently experiencing or have witnessed. If you are a victim of crime and you feel it is an emergency, please call the Police immediately on 999.

Alternatively, if you need urgent medical help or advice you can call the free non-emergency NHS number on 111.

Keep up to date

We are working in partnership with Durham Police and Crime Commissioner to raise awareness about anti-social behaviour and improve the flow of information between our places and the police. By improving communication we can all make a greater impact in the prevention and detection of crime and anti-social behaviour.

You can sign up to receive regular crime updates to learn about what your local neighbourhood policing team is doing to tackle anti-social behaviour near you.

Selective Licensing scheme

Durham County Council are introducing a Selective Licensing scheme across private sector housing as of April 1 2022.

Click the button below to read the briefing note from Durham County Council's Housing Solutions team summarising what this might mean for you, as well as links to resources for further information and who to contact with future enquiries.

Legal powers

Parts 1 to 4 of the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 provide six powers for use by local agencies. These options provide a broad enforcement regime with local partners.

Anti-social behaviour case review

The Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review gives you and your community the right to expect action where an ongoing problem is not being addressed.

We know anti-social behaviour can have a serious detrimental impact on you and our places and that’s why we take all reports seriously. We really want you to tell us about anti-social behaviour so we can take appropriate action.

What next?

1. Tell us about the ASB you have experienced. The quickest and easiest way to do this is using our Livin app, on our website or by email. If you prefer to talk to someone you can call our customer service centre and they can put you in touch with your housing coordinator.

2. A member of our housing team will be responsible for supporting you with your ASB case.

3. We will agree actions to be taken with you and provide regular updates.

4. We will support you and work with our community partners to deal with perpetrators.

5. We will let you know the outcome.

Examples of what anti-social behaviour include: 

  Noise nuisance

  Drug dealing

  Drunken behaviour

  Incidents of violence

  Criminal activity

  Dangerous animals

  Hate incidents

  Verbal and written abuse and threats

  All forms of harassment and intimidation

If you think you are experiencing anti-social behaviour, please tell us. We will deal with this quickly and efficiently to resolve the issue.

Examples of what isn't anti-social behaviour include: 

 Day to day “living” noise which is not excessive or unreasonable

 Cooking smells

 Children playing where property is not being damaged


Your Pets

You are able to keep common household pets and you don't need to ask us for permission. We know how important pets can be for companionship, wellbeing, fitness and social interaction. The majority of pet owners are caring, responsible and respectful and keep their pets under control. However, sometimes we do have issues related to animal nuisance. If you want to report anti-social behaviour related to pets, get in touch.