Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review

The Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review gives you and your community the right to expect action where an ongoing problem is not being addressed. Find out more using the frequently asked questions below:

When can I use the Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review?

Anyone can use Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review if they have reported a problem to us, the Police or the Local Authority, and the problem continues because nothing or very little has been done and:

  • You have reported the same problem three separate times in the past six months
  • You have reported one incident or crime motivated by hate (due to race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, transgender identity, age, sex, marriage, civil partnership and pregnancy or maternity) in the last six months
  • At least five people have made reports about the same problem in the past six months
When can I not use it?

You can not use it if you have reported anti-social behaviour and:

  • The investigation is in progress
  • Action has been taken but you are unhappy about that action

We will take action that is reasonable and proportionate to the anti-social behaviour being experienced in line with our anti-social behaviour policy. We will always explain this to residents experiencing anti-social behaviour. Where we have taken action and you aren't satisfied with that action, this would be a complaint and not an Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review.

How do I use the Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review

Durham Police manage the Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review across Durham. If you think that your issue or concern is relevant to the Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review and meets the criteria please click here to fill in a form.