Preventing and Tackling Fraud

We adopt a zero tolerance approach to Fraud and we will:

  • Always verify the identification and eligibility of any customer before granting a tenancy with us
  • Ask for further verification throughout the duration of the tenancy
  • Act upon any relevant information of suspected fraud
  • Work in partnership with statutory services such as the local authority to prevent and resolve tenancy fraud
  • Seek to recover losses, homes and terminate tenancies where fraud has occurred

Between April 2024 and December 2024 we worked with Durham County Council to investigate 31 reports of tenancy fraud.

If you suspect someone is committing fraud, please report this by using one of the below methods.

Fraud against us

Report tenancy fraud Report tenancy fraud

Fraud against DCC

Contact DCC Contact DCC

Housing benefit fraud

Contact DWP Contact DWP

Types of tenancy fraud include:

Unlawful subletting - Where a tenant rents out their home without the knowledge or permission of the landlord.

Wrongly claimed succession - Where the resident dies and someone tries to succeed the tenancy which they are not entitled to.

False right to buy/right to acquire - Where a tenant makes a Right to Buy or Right to Acquire application and provides false information.

Key selling - Where a resident passes on their keys in return for payment.

Unlawful assignment - Where a tenant stops using their tenancy as their main home and allows another person to live there without permission from Livin Housing.

Obtaining housing by deception - Where a person gets a home by providing false information on their housing application.

Abandonment – Abandoning the property without Livin’s knowledge and without completing the correct tenancy termination forms.