Tenancy Visits

Your tenancy visit is designed to make sure your home is safe and in good condition, and to identify any problems you might be having so we can provide any support you may need. During your visit we will complete the following things:

Household checks

We will confirm your identity and then check who is currently living in your home, making sure we have the right information for everyone. Together, we will carry out a full property inspection, making sure your home is free from signs of damp and mould and is safe for you and your family. You can report a repair at anytime using My Livin.

Updating your information

We will update your details, making sure we add any disabilities, health issues, or communication needs you or your family may have. This helps us to adapt our services to suit your needs. We will also check if you need any aids or adaptations to make living in your home easier.

Available support

We can discuss any issues you feel are affecting your wellbeing or tenancy, and, where needed, we will provide support, which may be from a range of partners we trust. We will discuss any employability support and money support offers available through our Financial Inclusion Team and on our Livin Futures teams