Planet A
We are in a climate emergency - there’s no Planet B! Planet A is our strategy map to a greener future, ensuring we act now to create environmentally sustainable futures for generations to come.
Our strategy sets out seven objectives and 17 key actions to deliver over the next three years. It's flexible. It can cope with the things we do not yet know as we start our journey to net zero. Importantly it is embedded across everything we do.
Objective 6: Invest in solutions to ensure our new and existing homes are fit for the future and achieve net zero
To do this we will :
+ Shape the transformational delivery of a funded retrofit programme to ensure existing homes and properties achieve the highest energy efficiency standards
+ Steer our investment in existing and new technologies that work best for our properties and tenants to minimise the cost of heat and power and improve energy efficiency
+ Develop a Planet A design guide for all homes and adopt modern construction methods for new homes to reduce carbon impact
Objective 7: Embed climate action throughout key tenant journeys and touchpoints to support our tenants to achieve ‘Greener Livin’
To do this we will :
+ Support the development of a range of learning and training opportunities to enhance tenants’ climate change knowledge and maximise the impact of investment in homes
+ Develop a well-designed customer journey for decarbonising our homes and properties so we have a high participation and success rate for our retrofit programmes
+ Steer support for tenants to develop their knowledge and confidence to run greener homes
Objective 8: Collaborate with key partners to increase green skills and open up green job opportunities for our tenants and residents
To do this we will :
+ Steer the development of green skills qualifications and open up green jobs to tenants and residents
Objective 9: Create climate resilient places and natural environments
To do this we will :
+ Shape how sustainability embeds into all regeneration schemes and place-based projects to ensure a focused, coordinated approach that maximises impact
+ Guide the delivery of a range of learning and training opportunities to enhance residents knowledge of climate change aligned to ongoing regeneration schemes and place-based projects
+ Support the enhancement of biodiversity across our open spaces to enable resilience to climate change, and improve the natural environment
Objective 10: Adapt our day-to-day operations, our office and commercial buildings to ensure they are fit for the future and achieve net zero
To do this we will :
+ Implement sustainability best practice to reduce resource use, energy use and the impact our operations have on the environment
+ Simplify and consolidate our IT infrastructure to reduce the energy needs and carbon emissions of systems
Objective 11: Work with suppliers and partners to create a greener value chain that reduces our scope 3 emissions
To do this we will :
+ Engage with our value chain to reduce our environmental impact and support the achievement of our net zero ambitions
+ Build Product and Technology Lifecycle assessments into procurement activity to ensure sustainability by design and to create a green and ethical supply chain
Objective 12: Implement a data-led approach to reducing our carbon footprint to inform effective decision making and to maximise impact
To do this we will :
+ Establish complete and reliable datasets to inform decisions for the planning and delivery of retrofit and new build programmes and to secure sustainable investment
+ Produce an annual Greenhouse Gas Standard carbon footprint and submit to Companies House to show our progress
Total CO2 emissions per property (tonnes)
Total scope 1 and 2 total CO2e emissions (tonnes)