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Tender Opportunities

Tender Opportunities

You can view current tender opportunities using MyTenders.

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  • Tender Opportunities

    Visit MyTenders to view any current tender opportunities, you can also sign up to receive alerts from MyTenders.

    Home / Tender Opportunities
  • Opportunities For Young People

    Looking for your next opportunity? Livin Futures can help you find your next step.

    Home / Your Support / Work And Training Support / Opportunities For Young People
  • Work And Training Support

    Livin Futures can help you to improve your CV, develop your skills and find a job that is right for you.

    Home / Your Support / Work And Training Support
  • Getting Involved

    Find out how you can get involved and give feedback to help us improve our services.

    Home / About Us / Getting Involved
  • Skills Foundations

    Are you out of work or looking to gain new skills? Our Skills Foundations can provide you with the skills to put you on a new career path.

    Home / Your Support / Work And Training Support / Skills Foundations
  • Online Training Opportunities

    We have a range of online training courses available for you to complete, our friendly employability advisers would love to help.

    Home / Your Support / Work And Training Support / Online Training Opportunities
  • Planet A

    We are in a climate emergency - there’s no Planet B! Planet A is our strategy map to a greener future, ensuring we act now to create environmentally sustainable futures for generations to come. Our strategy sets out seven objectives and 17 key actions to deliver over the next three years.

    Home / About Us / Plan A 2022-2025 / Planet A
  • Privacy and Cookies

    In accordance with applicable data protection legislation, we are committed to protecting your rights and privacy when you use our services. Livin Housing Limited is registered as a data controller with the Information Commissioner’s Office.

    Home / Privacy and Cookies
  • Our Board

    Meet our Board members and view the committee make up.

    Home / About Us / Our Board
  • Volunteering And Work Experience

    We can help you gain new skills by putting you forward for voluntary work as well as organising work experience.

    Home / Your Support / Work And Training Support / Volunteering And Work Experience
  • Community Spaces

    We own and manage several buildings, and the activities in them to bring more opportunities to tenants and residents in our communities.

    Home / Your Community / Community Spaces
  • Money Support

    Budgeting and benefits to insurance and energy advice, we can help you make the most out of your money by providing expert financial support.

    Home / Your Support / Money Support
  • Careers With Us

    Are you ready to be part of something great? We need people who are passionate about improving lives and communities. Choose a career with us and benefit from our learning and development opportunities and excellent staff rewards.

    Home / About Us / Careers With Us
  • Safer Places Grant

    Apply for a grant to help develop a project that could resolve incidences of anti-social behaviour and neighbourhood.

    Home / Your Community / Community Grants / Safer Places Grant
  • Our Partners

    We work with like-minded groups of people to help us deliver our Plan A. Our community partners provide a lifeline to so many people in so many ways.

    Home / Your Community / Community Grants / Our Partners
  • Western Estate - Local Offers

    In 2021 we engaged with our tenants living on the Western Estate to find out what is important to them. This engagement has allowed us to form Local Offers for the estate which we will be working on with residents and partners until the end of 2024. Collectively we have managed to deliver the following so far.

    Home / Your Community / Newton Aycliffe West Improvements / Western Estate - Local Offers
  • Universal Credit

    Universal Credit is a single payment for people who are looking for work or on a low income.

    Home / Your Support / Money Support / Universal Credit
  • Ways We Listened to and Acted on Your Voice

    We use information from satisfaction surveys, data on how services are used and feedback from our InsightXchange sessions to make service improvements that make a real difference. Here is some examples of service improvements your voice has helped us to introduce.

    Home / About Us / Getting Involved / Ways We Listened to and Acted on Your Voice
  • Delivering a brilliant customer experience Home / About Us / Annual Report 2020/21 / Delivering a brilliant customer experience
  • Supporting Sustainable Places

    We are determined to enable and deliver strong and sustainable places, that are greener and that support people and partners to thrive. We are a unique anchor in local communities that can bring about amazing transformation through physical regeneration, supplying new affordable homes, getting people into employment and bringing communities together.

    Home / About Us / Plan A 2022-2025 / Supporting Sustainable Places
  • Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

    We are committed to treating customers fairly regardless of race, ethnic origin or nationality, disability (whether mental or physical), age, gender, marital or family status, sexual orientation, or transgender status, and we recognise the benefits of employing a diverse workforce.

    Home / About Us / Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
  • Annual Report 2021/22

    Welcome to the 2021/22 annual report for you, our tenants.   We are proud to share highlights of how, despite the incredibly challenging economic conditions we continue to face as we emerge from the pandemic, we have been able to support you.

    Home / About Us / Annual Report 2021/22
  • Jubilee Fields Estate - Local offers

    Following a survey to our tenants to establish what really matters to them about life on the estate, we further engaged with 13 of the 69 responding tenants to help us shape four pledges. These pledges are known as local offers and we will work collectively upon achieving these going forward.

    Home / Your Community / Jubilee Fields Estate, Shildon / Jubilee Fields Estate - Local offers
  • About Us

    We are an award winning not for profit housing association based in County Durham. We offer more than just a home. We help improve the lives of the people living in our homes and in our communities. Read our Plan A, financial statements, annual report, value for money self assessment. Find out our roles and responsibilities.

    Home / About Us
  • Customer Voice in 2023/24 Home / About Us / Annual Report 2023/24 / Transforming Customer Experience and Digital Services / Customer Voice in 2023/24
  • Apprenticeship Support

    Our Livin Futures team can support you into an apprenticeship role by helping you to find local vacancies, improving your job hunting skills, building a strong CV and interview preparation.

    Home / Your Support / Work And Training Support / Local Vacancies / Apprenticeship Support
  • Annual Report 2023/24

    Welcome to the 2023/24 Annual Report for you, our tenants. I am delighted to be able to share the highlights from what has been a challenging time for us all.

    Home / About Us / Annual Report 2023/24
  • Customer Feedback and Complaints

    You can share your views about Livin to help us improve the services we provide.

    Home / Customer Feedback and Complaints